Bus Garage: 218-652-3526
Transportation Supervisor: Dacle Schmid (cell: 218-616-1500)
Bus 5: Scott Parslow
Bus 7: Dave Lien
Bus 8: Chad Habedank
Bus 10: Dacle Schmid
Bus 11: Jamie Nevins
Bus 12: Scott Bischoff
Bus 14: Martin Brown
Bus 15: Rebecca Lopez
What to do if:
- My child's bus is late for morning pick-up: Call Lynne Gustafson at 218-652-1200
- My child's bus is late for afternoon drop-off: Call Jenny Meyer at 218-652-1212
- My child is not riding the bus: If your child is not riding in the morning, call the high school office as soon as possible to report student absences. Leave a message if staff doesn't answer, of if you call before 7am. You can also call the Bus Garage and leave a message before 6:30am. If your child is in grades pre-K through 5th and is not riding the bus home in the afternoon, call Jenny Meyer in the Elementary Office at 218-652-1212 to report the absence.
- My child would like to ride a different bus to or from school: Bus passes are not granted for students to ride buses other than their own.
- I would like my child picked up/dropped off at another location other than their normal pick-up/drop-off: If your child is riding the bus they normally ride, but would like to be picked up or dropped off at a different stop, contact the elementary or high school office to arrange the details. If you'd like your student to ride a bus other than their own, bus passes are not granted for students to ride buses other than their own.
- My child's home address has changed: Contact the high school office with changes to home addresses. You will be notified with updated busing information.
Inclement Weather
Inclement weather can impact bus route times. Buses may run behind scheduled pick-up and drop off times. Be sure to dress appropriately for longer waits. In the event of inclement weather, early dismissals, late starts and/or cancellations, information will be communicated in various ways, such as:
District Website - alerts are typically posted on the homepage
Phone call and/or Email alerts - via District Phone Messenger "Instant Alert"
Local Radio and Television Stations:
TV |
AM |
FM |
Station |
Channel |
830 |
97.5 |
12 & 4 |
870 |
98.3 |
5 |
870 |
95.5 |
9 |
1450 |
11 |
Pre-School Information
School Readiness transportation is available to the school for School Readiness students, however, parents/guardians will need to transport their students home when class is dismissed at 11:30 am.
Pre-K transportation is available to and from school.
Special Needs Transportation
The district is equipped to provide transportation for students with special needs. Please contact the district office with questions or to arrange details.
Bus Safety and Expectations
Safety is the primary goal of our transportation services here at Nevis. To be successful in our efforts, it is essential for all of us - students, parents, school staff, and bus drivers to work together toward this same goal. The Nevis Public School District's Ready to Ride Bus Safety Expectations are posted in every bus. If these expectations are not followed, the school district's discipline procedures are to be followed. Consequences are progressive and may include suspension of bus privileges. Each bus has assigned student monitors and surveillance cameras.