Tiger Families
I hope that summer is treating you well and that you are all finding time to enjoy all the relaxation the Lakes Area offers.
One of the most beneficial activities we can encourage our students to take part in during summer break is reading. Reading stimulates the imagination, increases creativity, and helps to open minds to new worlds while encouraging lifelong learning.
I urge you to make reading a part of your summer experience. Here are a few ideas to encourage summer reading:
1. Visit the Library. The school library is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-11 am during July.
2. Set Weekly Reading Goals
3. Read Together-Family time is a great time to read aloud or discuss what you are reading.
4. Explore a Variety of Books from Fiction to Non-Fiction
5. Make Reading a Part of Your Daily Activities-Reading does not just have to be from a book. Encourage your child to read signs, menus, recipes, and travel information.
Summertime is a great time for our kids to relax and grow. I encourage you to show how reading can play a role in both areas.
Enjoy the rest of the summer. We will see you in the fall.
Superintendent Parks